Awareness and Cybersecurity - Part Two
Part One of this article focused on why awareness is paramount in staying safe online. This time, I’d like to build on that and outline...

5 reasons why basic cyber hygiene should never be underestimated!
The importance of basic cyber hygiene summarised in 5 points!

Insider Threats: 5 Questions You Need To Be Asking Yourself!
Insider Threats in Cybersecurity

Surviving a Ransomware Attack
As per Google, it’s estimated that last year cybercrime victims paid out around $24 million to hackers deploying ransomware and it has incre

Hackers do not come with a badge
I have come to learn in the IT security market that we now live in a world where certificates and badges seem to matter the most when...

The Rise and Warfare of Ransomware
Originally published on Cyber Defense Magazine August 2016 What is Ransomware? Ransomware is compiled of two words which is Ransom and...

Is Social Engineering the easy way in?
Originally published for BCS: http://www.bcs.org/content/conWebDoc/56216 Social engineering techniques have been used by con artists for...

Vulnerability Assessment vs. Penetration (Pen) Test
There is often confusion surrounding vulnerability scanning/assessment vs. Pen testing that causes organisations to waste resources or...

(Source: kaltoons.com) Why we need Cybersecurity? With the rapid expansion of the internet over the last few decades and the technology...